OK, for this to make sense, you need to know that a) prostitution is legal in the UK and b) the demand from women for straight male escorts (SMEs) is very, very tiny and the supply of men who want … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2010
A tiny bit, but gosh, this will have been the snowiest winter in London for ages. The walk to school did help me wake up a bit (although I feel the bed beckoning) because the Super Bowl was good enough … Continue reading
The sockets on one side of the UPS* are battery backed up ones. The sockets on the other side are 'just' surge protected. Why yes, I did have this PC plugged into the latter. The battery side had the old … Continue reading
Hmm, a Press Association story saying breastfeeding has almost no benefits to the baby has been picked up by the Mail and the Telegraph and… with predictable results. It says the study was published in the January 2010 edition of … Continue reading