So there's this security alert going on near Stockwell – someone's left a burger box on a bus, probably – and there's road closures and diversions and three policemen have spotted something in a bag by the side of the … Continue reading
… which, I should explain to colonial friends, is British English for "you're faster than me, and I don't like it!" (*) Or in other words, I am enjoying the recumbent. Near home is Peckham Rye which, as far as … Continue reading
I'm watching a series called The Shape of Things That Hum, on the history of various synths. After the MiniMoog, Vocoder and Yamaha DX-7, they're doing the Fairlight. Everyone interviewed – people like Vince Clarke, Rick Wakeman and Nick Rhodes … Continue reading
'Simply Delicious' do an organic mustard. They've recently changed it. Before: label says "Made without compromise" and the mustard has cider vinegar in. It's fabulous. Now: label no longer says that and… they've replaced some of the cider vinegar with … Continue reading
"This Email message has been scanned for viruses and contents" … and we guarantee that it contains neither ?! … Continue reading
And that's the discounted price for "The 5 day MBA! – Developing the High Performance Manager". Day three is "Business viability and financial strength". At the bottom of the list of the exciting and dynamic things they'll talk about is… … Continue reading
After my grandfather was transferred from India to the UK in the 1930s, they lived in Auchterarder, so my father spent most of his childhood there. When my grandfather left the army, a few years later, he changed from being … Continue reading
Someone called round, asking for details about this weekend's London Pride. So I looked at a copy of QX which has the details, and was able to tell them things like where and when. Opposite is a full page ad … Continue reading
Someone's got a sense of humour: Labour and the Socialist Workers are next to each other. I'm surprised there's nothing down from the LibDem's DELGA though. … Continue reading