Ok, let's see what's on the ES website for "House Prices" in the last 24 hours: 1.IMF warns on UK house prices Plunge threat to Britain's economy…read News and city: 01/10/04 Hmm, hardly 'good news' and it is today's, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: highlights
I know they don't like to give away the story (hence 'Interest rate decision' rather than 'Interest rates up/down/stay the same'!) but… Good news on house prices at last What do you think that means? House prices are going up? … Continue reading
I liked the film, so I'm tempted now it's transferred and you can actually get a ticket… … but it features Jane Asher, and whatever you think about her cake cooking abilities, she simply can't act. I've seen her in … Continue reading
.. said Patricia Hewitt – after they'd lost it. Must be a new meaning to the word 'dominate'… Congratulations to the LibDem campaign which resulted in the first ethnic minority MP for the party since Dadabhai Naoroji in 1892. [The … Continue reading
The top google hit for 'turkey "amnesty international"' is their 2002 report on the country – "Thousands of prisoners were held in conditions of prolonged isolation which could amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment [..] The pressure on human … Continue reading
This morning, at about 11am, someone arrived from BT to install a new ADSL line as part of the idea of sticking all our files on a server on the other side of London. At 11:15, our BT ADSL falls … Continue reading
London Blackfriars doesn't have any ticket barriers at the platform entrances/exits. And, unlike say London Waterloo, the exits are rarely staffed. Say on one day in two weeks. There are two exits, a wide one serving platforms 1-4, and a … Continue reading
You may know that Outlook 2003 – MS's email etc client – has, at last, a spam filter system. Using 'state-of-the-art technology' too, natch. Someone's analysed how it works. And guess what? Not only is it crap, as in really … Continue reading